Veritas Classical School Faculty
“The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few,
therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest.”Matthew 9:38
Dr. Andrew Smalley
Head of School
Mrs. Shannon Meyer
Grammar School Principal
Mr. Christopher Leigh
Upper School Principal
Mrs. Emily Byrd
Grammar School Assistant Principal/SR 16 Campus Director
Mr. Anthony Quintieri
Upper School Assistant Principal
Mrs. Ashleigh Bakonyi
Exec. Administrative Assistant / Director of Admissions and Enrollment
Mr. Peter DellaVecchia
Director of Athletics / PE
Mrs. Jessica DellaVecchia
Director of Communications and Development
Mrs. Bonnie Robshaw
Mrs. Jennifer Donnelly
Mrs. Jennifer Husk
1st Grade
Mrs. Sydney Newton
1st Grade
Mrs. Megan Habash
2nd Grade
Mrs. Amber Elder
2nd Grade
Mrs. Amber Messer
3rd Grade
Ms. Ashley Balog
3rd Grade
Mrs. Lisa Lay
4th Grade
Ms. Karen Schulz
4th Grade
Mrs. Deborah Campbell
5th Grade
Mrs. Jaclyn Grant
5th Grade
Mrs. Laura Bland
6th Grade
Mr. Wayne Husk
6th Grade, Upper School Bible
Mrs. Renee Aunchman
Upper School Science Part-Time
Mr. Rob Gargiulo
Upper School Bible, History, Literature
Mr. Ethan Higgins
Upper School Humanities
Mrs. Tanya Jackson
Upper School Literature, Writing
Mr. Kevin Lay
Upper School Science
Dr. Catherine Scine
Upper School Latin
Mr. Jim Wirkus
Upper School Mathematics, Logic
Miss Jane Zhang
Upper School Mathematics
Mrs. Dawn Wallace
Upper School Mathematics Part-Time
Mrs. Ashley Adams
Upper Grammar and Upper School Music
Mrs. Lynde Higgins
Upper Grammar and 7th Grade Latin
Mrs. Lisette Lugo
Upper Grammar and Upper School Visual Art
Mrs. Logan Lewis
Grammar ASL, Study Skills
Mrs. Mandy Murdock
Lower Grammar Visual Art
Mr. Ransom Schulz
Lower Grammar PE
Mrs. Ellen Blaise
Lower Grammar Spanish, Music, Library
Mrs. Paola Sullivan
Teacher Assistant
Mrs. Nicole Mishoe
Teacher Assistant