Volunteer at Veritas
Veritas Loves Volunteers!
Veritas encourages and welcomes parents, grandparents, and friends of the school to volunteer on campus, and there are many volunteer opportunities available!
Veritas Classical School encourages parent involvement on campus and depends on that involvement for field trips, classroom help, school events, and other needs. The safety of our students is our number one responsibility. As such, all volunteers must submit to a background check. Volunteering may begin only after fingerprinting is done and a clear background check is on file in the school office. The background check costs $60 and usually takes less than a week.
Veritas believes each family must be involved in helping the school by contributing volunteer hours. This requirement is critical to the success of the school’s programs, atmosphere, and safety. Veritas requires each family to provide 20 hours of support service each school year. A record of hours for each family is maintained in the office.