Veritas Classical School
A Morning at Veritas
The Veritas Vision
Perspective of a Graduate

Upcoming Events
Our Mission
Veritas Classical School prepares students to evaluate human knowledge through a biblical worldview and engage the world equipped to discern truth, appreciate goodness, and recognize beauty.
Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.
Proverbs 22:6
Make a donation.
Veritas is able to provide an advanced curriculum and faith-based education because of our dedicated families and donors.
We believe that every person has unique gifts to share, from volunteering to financial contributions, and we are thankful for the ways in which God provides through our school community. Thank you for considering how you can be a part of Veritas’ mission to provide an exceptional classical education that prepares students to impact the world with excellence.
To make a donation, you may click the link below, or you may write a check payable to Veritas Classical School. Please mail checks to:
Veritas Classical School
Attention: Development Office
169 M L King Ave
St. Augustine, FL 32084